How To Clean Leather Purse
  • author by- PurseForMe
  • 2024-01-31

How To Clean Leather Purse

A good leather purse is a fashion investment that can last for years if properly cared for. When it comes to cleaning a leather purse, it is important to avoid using ammonia- or bleach-based cleaners, as they can damage the surface. Additionally, excessive water should be avoided as it can stain the leather. To clean a leather purse, start by emptying all the pockets and removing any dust and debris by shaking the purse upside down. Then, clean the lining using a lint roller or vacuum. To clean the leather exterior, mix a solution of warm water and dish soap, dip a soft cloth into the solution, and wipe the surface of the purse. Finally, dry the purse with a towel.

Key Takeaways:

  • Use gentle cleaners and avoid harsh chemicals when cleaning a leather purse.
  • Empty the pockets and remove dust and debris before cleaning.
  • Clean the lining separately using a lint roller or vacuum.
  • Mix warm water and dish soap to create a mild cleaning solution for the leather exterior.
  • Dry the purse thoroughly after cleaning to prevent damage.
how to clean leather purse

Note: The image shows a beautiful leather purse to visually enhance the topic of the article.

Removing Stains From a Leather Purse

Stains can happen to your leather purse, even with careful use. But don't worry, there are effective methods to remove them and restore the beauty of your beloved accessory.

If you have ink stains or scuffs on your leather purse, two common household items can come to your rescue: nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol. Simply dip a cotton swab in either the remover or alcohol and lightly blot the stain. Remember not to rub it, as this may cause the ink to spread. With gentle blotting, you can lift the stain without damaging the leather.

For oil or grease stains on your leather purse, sprinkle a small amount of baking soda or cornstarch on the affected area. Gently rub it in using a damp cloth, ensuring that the powder absorbs the oil. Leave it on for a few hours or overnight, allowing the baking soda or cornstarch to work its magic. Finally, wipe off the residue with a clean cloth, revealing a stain-free purse.

If your leather purse is light-colored, you can create a paste using equal parts lemon juice and cream of tartar to tackle stubborn stains. Apply the paste to the stain and let it sit for 30 minutes. Then, gently remove the paste using a damp cloth, revealing a pristine leather surface.

Remember, when using any stain-removing technique, it's always a good idea to test it on a small, inconspicuous area of your leather purse first to ensure it doesn't cause any damage or discoloration.

cleaning products for leather purse

Removing stains from your leather purse is an essential part of its maintenance. With a DIY approach and the right techniques, you can restore your leather purse to its original glory.

Conditioning a Leather Purse

Once your leather purse is clean, it is crucial to condition it properly to maintain its quality and appearance. Conditioning helps prevent the leather from drying out, cracking, and becoming susceptible to future stains. There are various options for conditioning your leather purse, including commercial leather conditioners and homemade solutions.

Commercial Leather Conditioner

If you prefer a hassle-free option, you can purchase a commercial leather conditioner specifically designed for handbags. These leather conditioners are formulated to moisturize, nourish, and protect the leather, extending its lifespan. Follow the instructions provided on the product packaging to ensure proper application and avoid any potential damage to your purse.

Homemade Leather Conditioner

If you prefer a DIY approach or want a more natural option, you can create your own leather conditioner using common household ingredients. One effective homemade leather conditioner recipe involves mixing one part vinegar with two parts linseed oil. Vinegar helps remove dirt and residue while linseed oil moisturizes and restores the leather's natural shine.

To make your homemade leather conditioner:

  1. Mix one part vinegar and two parts linseed oil in a small bowl.
  2. Dip a soft cloth into the mixture, ensuring it is saturated but not dripping.
  3. Gently apply the conditioner to the leather surface, rubbing it in circular motions.
  4. Allow the conditioner to sit on the leather for about 15 minutes, allowing it to penetrate and nourish the material.
  5. Using a clean, dry cloth, buff the leather surface to remove any excess conditioner and enhance the shine.

Regular conditioning is essential to keep your leather purse looking its best and maintaining its longevity. Aim to condition your purse every few months or as needed, depending on its use and exposure to environmental factors. By consistently conditioning your leather purse, you can retain its softness, flexibility, and durability over time.

leather purse care

Note: Always test any conditioner, whether commercial or homemade, on a small, inconspicuous area of your purse before applying it to the entire surface. This helps ensure that the conditioner does not cause any adverse effects or discoloration.

Leather Purse Maintenance Tips

To keep your leather purse in pristine condition, it's important to follow these maintenance tips:

Test Cleaning Solutions

Always test any cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area of the purse first. This will help you ensure that the cleaner doesn't discolor or damage the leather.

Avoid Harsh Treatments

Avoid using baby wipes, vinegar, or other home treatments on your leather purse. These products can potentially cause discoloration and damage the leather. Stick to proper leather cleaning products and techniques.

Proper Storage

Store your leather purse in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Exposure to sunlight can cause fading and splitting of the leather. By storing your purse properly, you can prevent unnecessary damage.

Regular Cleaning

Clean your leather purse regularly to prevent the buildup of dirt and grime. Use a soft cloth to gently wipe the surface of the purse, removing any dust or debris. This will help maintain its appearance and prevent stains.

Avoid Overloading

Avoid overloading your purse with heavy items. This can put unnecessary strain on the leather and cause it to stretch or deform. Instead, only carry the essentials to keep your purse in optimal condition.

Separate Compartments

Store makeup and pens in separate compartments or pouches to prevent accidental spills or stains. This will help protect the interior lining of your purse and keep it looking clean and fresh.

Avoid Dirty Surfaces

Avoid placing your purse on dirty or rough surfaces, as this can cause scratches and damage. Opt for clean surfaces or use a protective mat or cloth to place your purse on when necessary.

By following these leather purse maintenance tips, you can ensure that your purse stays in excellent condition for years to come.

Self-Made Leather Cleaner

Looking for a homemade solution to clean your genuine leather purse? Look no further! With a few natural ingredients, you can create your very own homemade leather cleaner that is safe for both your purse and the environment.

For this DIY leather cleaner, you'll need white vinegar and olive oil. These common household items work wonders in gently cleaning and preserving your leather purse.

Here's how to make your homemade leather cleaner:

Mixing Ingredients

In a small bowl, combine equal parts white vinegar and olive oil. Stir the mixture well until the two ingredients are fully blended.

Using the Leather Cleaner

Once you've created your DIY leather cleaner, it's time to put it to use. Take a soft cloth and dampen it with the homemade cleaner. Gently wipe down the leather surface of your purse, ensuring that you cover all areas evenly.

The vinegar helps remove dirt and grime, while the olive oil moisturizes and conditions the leather, keeping it soft and supple. Together, they create a powerful cleaning combination.

Remember to test the homemade cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of your purse before applying it to the entire surface. This will help you determine if any discoloration or adverse reactions occur.

So why spend money on commercial leather cleaners when you can create your own effective and eco-friendly solution at home? Give this homemade leather cleaner a try and enjoy a refreshed and rejuvenated leather purse!


Maintaining the appearance and longevity of your leather purse is crucial. By following the expert tips provided in this article, you can ensure that your leather purse remains in excellent condition for years to come. Remember to avoid using harsh cleaners that can damage the leather surface. Instead, opt for gentle cleaning solutions and techniques to remove stains and dirt effectively. Regularly cleaning and conditioning your leather purse will help keep it moisturized, preventing drying out and cracking. Additionally, practicing proper maintenance, such as avoiding overloading your purse and storing it in a cool, dry place, will further extend its lifespan.

Keep in mind that a little extra care goes a long way when it comes to preserving the beauty and durability of your leather purse. By following these leather purse cleaning tips and incorporating them into your routine, you can maintain a timeless accessory that complements your style and lasts for many seasons. Taking the necessary steps to care for your leather purse ensures that it continues to be a valued fashion investment.

So, don't forget to treat your leather purse with the love and attention it deserves. With regular cleaning, conditioning, and proper maintenance, you can enjoy the beauty and functionality of your leather purse for years to come. Apply these simple tips and say goodbye to dull, faded leather purses. Keep your leather purse looking its best and wear it with confidence!


How often should I clean my leather purse?

It is recommended to clean your leather purse at least once every few months to prevent buildup of dirt and grime.

Can I use ammonia or bleach-based cleaners to clean my leather purse?

No, it is important to avoid using ammonia- or bleach-based cleaners as they can damage the surface of the leather.

How do I remove ink stains from my leather purse?

To remove ink stains, you can use nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol. Dip a cotton swab in the remover or alcohol and lightly blot the stain, taking care not to rub and spread the ink.

What can I do to prevent my leather purse from drying out and cracking?

Regularly conditioning your leather purse with a commercial leather conditioner or a mixture of vinegar and linseed oil will help keep it moisturized and prevent drying and cracking.

How should I store my leather purse?

It is best to store your leather purse in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading and splitting.

Can I use baby wipes or vinegar to clean my leather purse?

No, it is best to avoid using baby wipes, vinegar, or other home treatments as they can potentially discolor and damage the leather.

How do I clean the lining of my leather purse?

You can clean the lining of your leather purse using a lint roller or a vacuum to remove dust and debris.

How do I remove oil or grease stains from my leather purse?

To remove oil or grease stains, sprinkle baking soda or cornstarch on the stain and gently rub it in with a damp cloth. Let it sit for a few hours or overnight to absorb the oil before wiping it off.

Can I use a homemade leather cleaner for my leather purse?

Yes, you can use a homemade leather cleaner made from equal parts white vinegar and olive oil to gently wipe down the leather surface of your purse.
